
indicā is a dynamic space designed for gastronomes passionate about what’s on their plates!

Through culinary workshops, engaging gastronomic experiences, seminars, tastings and exhibitions, we strive to inspire a shift towards conscientious food choices, demonstrating that a commitment to sustainability is both feasible and rewarding. 

Our work explores the rich biodiversity of the subcontinent and highlights the pluralism of Indian cuisines to ensure that our guests and collaborators can engage with gastronomy and its allied fields in a unique manner. 

Working as a fertile ground for food enthusiasts, we bridge the gap between our patrons and the inspiring efforts of small-scale producers and farmers as well as chefs across the country through a diverse range of gastronomic experiences, and foster a community that appreciates the intricate connections within the food system. 

Your presence fuels our mission – come, savour the difference at indicā!